If only these couldn’t be used for Link Summoning….
Browsing: Casual Decklist
Imaginary Ark plus Ultimate Flag for Rush Duels, while Kaiju and Roid combine!
A DARK Fairy Deck for Rush Duels, and bare witness to full Ritual Dogmatika!
Ninjas of the Floral Dark use their hidden fusion techniques, while Beetroopers work with new Weevil support!
There once was a ship that put to sea…
Darklord Zerato merges with the Dark Rulers, while it’s the first live show for the new season of Abyss Actors!
JERSEY meets the Circus in Rush Duel, while Red-Eyes uses a few new tricks with Baby Mudragon!
A ‘Machine’ Deck for Rush, a “Buster Blader” Deck that takes advantage of Omega Judgment, and 5 ‘Driver’ Decks!
Deepsea creatures abound with the next wave of support!
A New Spellcaster Deck taking advantage of Road Arms – Sevens Lance, while Gizmek makes use of D.D. Assault Carrier!