Probably realized if it wasnt new Dark Magician support, which the fanbase been wanting in TCG, then, it wasnt going to promo well. Funny enough they did this with the set that came out after Battle of Chaos. New Dark Magician support sells. Konami learned quick I guess.
Boi on
Im not gonna say it
XBrain130 on
You are certifiably insane.
... on
“Starter Set”
Jackson Leight on
I’ll be the optimist and say that Konami actually listened to the recent controversy surround how hard it was to get into the game (alongside the JP shareholder concerns) and pushed this back to severely rework it into much better product. I know that’s wishful thinking, but a man can dream.
Mike on
My guess is Konami delayed it so that new players could pick up staples from the Rarity Collection that’s releasing in November.
Monk on
Probably delayed because they realized it’s too early to reprint Visa Starfrost stuff.
No way
Probably realized if it wasnt new Dark Magician support, which the fanbase been wanting in TCG, then, it wasnt going to promo well. Funny enough they did this with the set that came out after Battle of Chaos. New Dark Magician support sells. Konami learned quick I guess.
Im not gonna say it
You are certifiably insane.
“Starter Set”
I’ll be the optimist and say that Konami actually listened to the recent controversy surround how hard it was to get into the game (alongside the JP shareholder concerns) and pushed this back to severely rework it into much better product. I know that’s wishful thinking, but a man can dream.
My guess is Konami delayed it so that new players could pick up staples from the Rarity Collection that’s releasing in November.
Probably delayed because they realized it’s too early to reprint Visa Starfrost stuff.